Aterio Datasets

US Flood risk, Cost of insurance by zipcode

LAPointe A La Hache700828058673
CARedwood Valley954707465885
CACarmel Valley9392470321398
CACanyon Country9135161082183

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Get comprehensive data on the risk-based cost of insurance for properties located in climate-prone areas, particularly focusing on coastal and flood-prone regions. The dataset provides valuable insights into the financial dynamics of insurance costs, both before and after government subsidies provided through FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). Updated annually, the dataset for the year 2023 sheds light on various aspects including subsidy amounts, policy types considered, and the specific perils of flood associated with each ZIP code.

Key Features:

  • Geographical Focus: The dataset centers on areas susceptible to climate-related risks, with a primary focus on coastal and flood-prone regions.

  • Government Subsidies: Detailed information is provided on the extent of government subsidies facilitated by FEMA for properties located in high-risk areas. This includes comparative data on insurance costs before and after subsidies are applied.

  • Yearly Updates: The dataset is updated annually, ensuring users have access to the latest information and trends in insurance costs and government interventions.

  • Policy Considerations: The dataset encompasses various policy types considered for subsidized amounts, providing a nuanced understanding of the insurance landscape in climate-prone regions.

  • Peril Assessment: Each ZIP code's risk profile is thoroughly analyzed, highlighting the specific perils of flood associated with the area. This includes detailed insights such as the percentage likelihood of coastal flood, inland flood, and other related risks.


Column NameDescription
STATE_CODEState code
UPDATED_ATDate of the last data update
TOT_NUM_POLICIES_IN_FORCETotal Number of Policies in Force
PCT_COVERAGE_INLAND_FLOODPolicy Percentage Coverage of Inland Flood
PCT_COVERAGE_STORM_SURGEPolicy Percentage Coverage of Storm Surge
PCT_COVERAGE_TSUNAMIPolicy Percentage Coverage of Tsunami
PCT_COVERAGE_COASTAL_EROSIONPolicy Percentage Coverage of Coastal Erosion
AVG_CURRENT_COST_INSURANCEAverage Current Cost of Insurance after government subsidy
AVG_COST_RISK_BASED_INSURANCEAverage Cost of Risk-based Insurance before government subsidy