Zip Code
Birmingham, AL
Population & Migration
What is the forecasted population for Zip code 35234 Birmingham, AL?
- Population census 2020
- 5,545
- Forecasted population 2025
- 4,127
- -25.6% vs. 2020
- Forecasted population 2030
- 3,734
- -32.7% vs. 2020
Zip code 35234 Birmingham, AL population is forecasted to decrease -25.6% by 2025 (-30.3 points below the 4.7% national average).
Powered by Aterio US Population Forecast dataset
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Housing and Affordability
With a forecasted population of 4,127 people for 2025 zip code 35234 Birmingham, AL will generate a good demand for housing, which is expected to have an excess of -964 houses for 2030. Vacancy rate is 16.6 points above national US average.
- Total homes available 2020
- 2,954
- Estimated total home demand in 2030
- 1,989
- Total homes balance inventory
- -964
Average Household Income in zip code 35234 Birmingham, AL
from Internal Revenue Service
- Average household income in 2021
- $35,270
- Affordability Index
- 2
Affordability indicates the ability of potential homebuyers to afford a home measured in number of years needed to pay a house. Example: Home Price 500,000 / Household Income 100,000 = 5 Years = Index 5
Powered by Aterio US Housing Forecast dataset
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Climate Resiliency
Drinking water violations
How is the quality of drinking water in Zip code 35234 Birmingham, AL?
County total number of drinking water violations
County total number of drinking water contaminations
Powered by Aterio US Drinking Water System Ratings dataset
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