Aterio Datasets

New Nuclear, Solar, Wind and Battery projects in the US

Explore the Latest Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and Battery Projects Across the U.S.

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About's "US Renewable Energy Projects Dataset" offers a comprehensive inventory of nuclear, solar, wind, and battery energy projects nationwide, including operational facilities, those under development, and upcoming ventures. Sourced from utility providers, press releases, satellite imagery, this dataset provides critical insights into project locations, sizes, power output capacities, and grid integration details. ###Dataset Components Advanced data quality enhanced through proprietary analytics, reflecting emerging trends in renewable energy expansion and technology adoption. Detailed metadata mapping project attributes to geographical coordinates, regional grid zones, and developer profiles. ###Daily Updates Stay informed ensuring you always have the most current insights in this rapidly evolving sector. Business Needs ###Market & Policy Analysis Evaluate market trends, forecast growth potentia. ###Why Choose Aterio Comprehensive Coverage: Dive deep into the specifics of renewable energy projects, including their locations and energy output, enabling a clear understanding of regional energy infrastructure and trends.


Column NameDescription
ATERIO_PROJECT_UIDUnique identifier for the project.
PROJECT_NAMEName of the project.
PROJECT_TYPECategory or type of the project.
PROJECT_STAGECurrent project phase.
PROVIDER_NAMEName of the data center provider
PROVIDER_URLURL of the data center provider
PROVIDER_PUBLIC_PRIVATEIs the Provider a Public or Private Company
STOCK_EXCHANGE_PROVIDER_NAMEStock Ticker including Stock Exchange
PROVIDER_BACKED_BYCorporations related to Provider / Investors backing the Provider
FULL_ADDRESSThe Complete Address Of The Store Location
STATE_CODEState code
LOCATION_LATITUDELatitude coordinate location
LOCATION_LONGITUDELongitude coordinate location
TOT_FACILITY_SPACE_SQFTTotal space of the facility in square feet
TOT_POWER_MWTotal power IT capacity data center in MW
NOTESNotes on Data Center development
DATASHEET_URLData Center Datasheet URL
ANNOUNCED_DATEDate the project was publicly announced.
CONSTRUCTION_START_DATEDate construction began.
CONSTRUCTION_FINISHED_DATEDate construction was completed.
ACTIVATION_DATEDate the project became operational.
RECORD_CREATED_DATEDate the record was created in the system.
RECORD_UPDATED_DATEDate the record was last modified.