Aterio Datasets

US Census Data & Demographic Insights - Free Dataset

Explore Demographic Insights and Forecasts for Every Zip Code: Historical, Current, and Future Trends.

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Granular demographic insights and forecasts for every Zip Code until 2030.



Unlock the potential of strategic investments across industries such as real estate, healthcare, rental, small businesses, etc with Aterio's Zipcode Universe Dataset. This comprehensive repository comprises over 300+ demographic attributes meticulously curated from sources like the American Community Survey, IRS, and Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dive into granular insights at the zip code level, enriched with a clean schema and integrated zip code geometry for seamless analysis.

Dataset Components

  • All demographic data from the latest Internal Revenue Service and American Community Survey (2022) with monthly updates to keep you informed about evolving trends.
  • Enhance data quality by incorporating additional Aterio proprietary data, accounting for various factors contributing to population growth.
  • Metadata mapping linking attribute names to table IDs, zip codes to cities and counties, and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs).

Primary Fields Included

  • Zip Codes
  • Aterio Unique ID
  • County
  • City
  • CBSAs
  • State
  • Latitude/Longitude

Demographic and Housing Availability Data

Explore a plethora of demographic and housing availability data, including but not limited to:

  • Sex by Age
  • Geographical Mobility
  • Household Units Availability
  • Income & Employment Status

Addition information on Subscription

Envision the future with forecast capabilities

  • Demographics (Age and Gender) Forecast (2024 - 2030)
  • Housing Inventory Forecast: Analyze demand and supply dynamics to anticipate future housing needs.
  • Unemployment rate: Analyze it for the latest month
  • Zip Code Boundaries: Obtain zip code boundaries in GeoJSON format for spatial analysis and visualization.

Business Needs

Market Analysis

Identify lucrative investment opportunities by leveraging predictive modeling to pinpoint locations with high growth potential.

Risk Analysis

Mitigate investment risks by assessing market trends and historical data, empowering informed decision-making.

Location Planning

Optimize portfolio allocation by diversifying investments across regions with varying growth drivers and economic characteristics.

Demand Forecasting

Stay ahead of the curve by identifying emerging neighborhoods poised for future growth, giving you a competitive edge in real estate and investment strategies.

Why Choose Aterio?

  • Access detailed, zip-code level population forecasts.
  • Customizable data solutions for various industries including healthcare, real estate, and demographics.
  • Enhance your data analysis with tailored solutions and advanced forecasting capabilities


Column NameDescription
ATERIO_UNIQUE_IDAterio Unique ID for the record
COUNTY_FIPS_CODEFederal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code for counties
COUNTY_NAMECounty name
CITY_NAMECity name
CBSA_CODECore-based Statistical Area Code
CBSA_TITLECore-based Statistical Area Title
STATISTICAL_AREA_TYPE_NAMEType of CBSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area or Micropolitan Statistical Area)
STATE_CODEState code
TOT_CENSUS_POP_2020Population count for Census year 2020
TOT_CENSUS_POP_2021Population count for Census year 2021
TOT_CENSUS_POP_2022Population count for Census year 2022
TOT_FX_POP_2023Forecasted population for the year 2023
TOT_FX_POP_2024Forecasted population for the year 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2025Forecasted population for the year 2025
TOT_FX_POP_2026Forecasted population for the year 2026
TOT_FX_POP_2027Forecasted population for the year 2027
TOT_FX_POP_2028Forecasted population for the year 2028
TOT_FX_POP_2029Forecasted population for the year 2029
TOT_FX_POP_2030Forecasted population for the year 2030
TOT_FX_POP_2024_MALE_0_19Forecasted Population Male between 0-19 years in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_FEMALE_0_19Forecasted Population Female between 0-19 years in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_MALE_20_44Forecasted Population Male between 20-44 years in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_FEMALE_20_44Forecasted Population Female between 20-44 years in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_MALE_45_64Forecasted Population Male between 45-64 years in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_FEMALE_45_64Forecasted Population Female between 45-64 years in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_MALE_65_ABOVEForecasted Population Male 65 years or above in 2024
TOT_FX_POP_2024_FEMALE_65_ABOVEForecasted Population Female 65 years or above in 2024
AVG_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_2021US Annual average household income reported in 2021
PCT_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_BELOW_50K_2020Percentage household debt-to-income below $50K in 2020
PCT_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_50K_75K_2020Percentage household debt-to-income $50K-$75K in 2020
PCT_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_75K_100K_2020Percentage household debt-to-income $75K-$100K in 2020
PCT_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_100K_200K_2020Percentage household debt-to-income $100K-$200K in 2020
PCT_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_ABOVE_200K_2020Percentage household debt-to-income above $200K in 2020
RT_UNEMPLOYMENTRate of unemployment
TOT_POP_OVER_16_LYTotal population over 16 years
TOT_POP_LABOR_FORCE_LYTotal population in the labor force
TOT_POP_CIVILIAN_EMPLOYED_LYTotal civilian population employed
TOT_POP_CIVILIAN_UNEMPLOYED_LYTotal civilian population unemployed
TOT_POP_ARMED_EMPLOYED_LYTotal armed population employed
RT_ARMED_EMPLOYED_LYRate of armed population employed
INVESTOR_UPDATESInvestor updates for the Zip Code