Oregon projected population growth from 2025 through 2035

Oregon, the Beaver State, is known for its stunning natural beauty, progressive culture, and outdoor recreation opportunities. From the rugged coastline of the Pacific Northwest to the lush forests of the Cascade Range, Oregon offers a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. With a diverse economy supported by industries such as technology, agriculture, and renewable energy, Oregon continues to attract individuals seeking a high quality of life and a deep connection to nature.

Picture from a ciy in Oregon U.S.

Oregon forecasted population

Aterio data team has developed an AI enhanced model that helps organizations understand the forecasted growth of population in Oregon for years 2025 through 2035.

Population Growth Rate (Year over Year)

Last update at Thu Feb 27 2025

Zip code level csv report on population forecast and economic development in Oregon

Our team has created a comprehensive report on population forecast and economic development by zip code using our proprietary AI models.

Download sample csv report

Top 10 most populated cities in Oregon

Our model provides a detailed 2025 through 2035 forecasted population growth for every city and zip code in Oregon.


2020 census

2025 population

2030 population

2035 population

Portland650,380648,630663,657679,032View city insights, Portland
Salem171,806178,293182,426186,656View city insights, Salem
Eugene170,457178,129179,661181,207View city insights, Eugene
Gresham110,456113,628115,680117,769View city insights, Gresham
Hillsboro108,026108,467112,093115,840View city insights, Hillsboro
Beaverton98,56798,824102,208105,709View city insights, Beaverton
Bend97,032103,527108,851114,448View city insights, Bend
Medford82,09885,99186,48886,987View city insights, Medford
Springfield62,72961,80262,20562,610View city insights, Springfield
Corvallis58,61261,32763,64666,053View city insights, Corvallis

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