Canton, OH
2025 and 2030 projected population

Ever wonder how many people live in Canton, OH and how fast that number changes?

Aterio data team has developed an AI enhanced model that helps organizations understand the forecasted growth of population in Canton, OH for years 2025 through 2030.

Population Growth Rate (Year over Year)

Last update at Fri Dec 06 2024

Zip code level csv report on population forecast and economic development in Canton, OH

Our team has created a comprehensive report on population forecast and economic development by zip code using our proprietary AI models.

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Top 25 most populated zip codes in Canton, OH

Our model provides a detailed 2025 through 2030 projected population growth for every zip code in Canton, OH.

U.S. Zip code

2020 census

2025 population

2030 population

4472038,13740,65441,180View full zip code report, 44720
4470824,49824,44624,071View full zip code report, 44708
4470519,35317,61316,628View full zip code report, 44705
4470917,76217,53316,720View full zip code report, 44709
4470616,72015,89514,820View full zip code report, 44706
4472114,92113,79213,699View full zip code report, 44721
4471812,12612,41712,844View full zip code report, 44718
447079,4148,5808,420View full zip code report, 44707
447149,35310,17210,552View full zip code report, 44714
447038,4178,6239,139View full zip code report, 44703
447108,2608,9298,747View full zip code report, 44710
447305,9965,7245,428View full zip code report, 44730
447043,0833,3443,468View full zip code report, 44704
44702930986941View full zip code report, 44702

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