Tacoma, WA
2025 and 2030 projected population

Ever wonder how many people live in Tacoma, WA and how fast that number changes?

Aterio data team has developed an AI enhanced model that helps organizations understand the forecasted growth of population in Tacoma, WA for years 2025 through 2030.

Population Growth Rate (Year over Year)

Last update at Fri Dec 06 2024

Zip code level csv report on population forecast and economic development in Tacoma, WA

Our team has created a comprehensive report on population forecast and economic development by zip code using our proprietary AI models.

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Top 25 most populated zip codes in Tacoma, WA

Our model provides a detailed 2025 through 2030 projected population growth for every zip code in Tacoma, WA.

U.S. Zip code

2020 census

2025 population

2030 population

9840436,74937,74239,365View full zip code report, 98404
9844435,60434,82936,513View full zip code report, 98444
9844531,97331,89733,057View full zip code report, 98445
9846629,40131,20333,222View full zip code report, 98466
9840927,91830,66633,915View full zip code report, 98409
9840523,67124,55025,961View full zip code report, 98405
9840623,05223,02623,978View full zip code report, 98406
9842221,73222,63123,825View full zip code report, 98422
9840721,31620,75521,010View full zip code report, 98407
9840820,67021,73223,415View full zip code report, 98408
9843320,13720,97522,183View full zip code report, 98433
9844611,94515,23817,581View full zip code report, 98446
984189,64411,18812,722View full zip code report, 98418
984038,1698,3068,230View full zip code report, 98403
984026,9206,5927,033View full zip code report, 98402
984656,6567,7318,343View full zip code report, 98465
984435,3355,9186,233View full zip code report, 98443
984211,3461,3301,608View full zip code report, 98421
98416973738589View full zip code report, 98416
984477449951,034View full zip code report, 98447

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